Bard PowerPort Lawsuit

Minneapolis Catheter Port Injury Attorneys

Bard PowerPort Catheter Port Lawsuit

Hundreds of lawsuits claim that Bard PowerPort implantable catheter port devices can cause serious injuries, including death, because the catheters are prone to fracture and disintegration. Injuries linked to the PowerPort catheter include:

  • Perforations to blood vessels and organs
  • Infection
  • Catheter Fracture & Migration
  • Death

The Minnesota Defective Medical Device attorneys at Goldenberg Lauricella have the experience you need to successfully file a catheter port injury lawsuit. If you or a loved one has suffered an injury due to a Bard PowerPort device, contact us today for a free consultation.

Case Quick Facts

Bard PowerPort Catheter Port

PowerPort catheter port devices are implanted under the skin to provide long-term access for delivery of fluids and medications into the bloodstream. The implanted port, also called a port-a-cath or mediport, is often used to administer chemotherapy drugs to cancer patients. A port-a-cath is a convenient option for patients who require long-term treatment because it does not require new vein access for each therapy. The port also provides easy access for blood draws and infusion of blood products like platelets and plasma. Bard’s PowerPort devices were first approved for use by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 2000. 

What Is the Problem with Bard PowerPort Devices?

Recent lawsuits claim that Powerport devices are prone to fracturing and sending small clumps of blood products called fibrins into a patient’s bloodstream. The port’s catheter is made from silicone and a polyurethane formulation called Chronoflex AL, which also contains barium sulfate. The barium sulfate allows radiologists to see the catheter through medical imaging, but it can also break down when exposed to the bloodstream over time. 

The end result is “an irregular catheter surface replete with fissures, pits and cracks.” This irregular surface can cause the collection of “fibrinous blood products” to enter the bloodstream and put the patient at higher risk of serious injuries, including catheter fracture and infection. 

How do PowerPort Catheter Ports Work?

PowerPort devices are typically implanted in the chest close to a vein. Ports can also be implanted in the upper arm, but that is less common. The port is connected to a catheter that is inserted into the vein to provide access to the bloodstream. The port has a raised area designated for cannula (IV needle) insertion. This is called the septum. The cannula is inserted into the septum to deliver medication directly into the bloodstream. 

diagram showing how a powerport catheter device works

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Was Bard Aware Of the Alleged PowerPort Catheter Defect?

According to claimants, Bard has received large numbers of Adverse Event Reports (AERs) from doctors stating patients were experiencing thromboembolisms after implantation of the port. Additional AERs reported that the PowerPort had perforated veins and caused injuries such as:

  • Hemorrhaging
  • Cardiac arrhythmia
  • Symptoms similar to heart attack
  • Perforation of tissue, blood vessels, and organs
  • Severe pain

Has There been A Bard Powerport Recall?

No. As of August 2024, there has not been a PowerPort recall. Despite receiving thousands of AERs reporting serious injuries after implantation of the PowerPort, Bard has refused to alter the design or warn patients of the risk of serious injury associated with the port. Safer alternatives are available. Other manufacturers have mitigated the risk of degradation due to barium sulfate by designing catheters that seal in the barium sulfate with a polyurethane or silicone sleeve. 

PowerPort Catheter Port Injuries

PowerPort Catheter Ports are supposed to make it easier for patients to receive regular treatment. Sadly, many patients have experienced serious injuries after being implanted with the catheter port. Those injuries include:

  • Infection
  • Migration
  • Fracture
  • Perforation of blood vessels, veins, or organs
  • Death

August 2024 PowerPort Litigation Update

On August 8, 2023. the Judicial Panel on Multidistrict Litigation transferred PowerPort lawsuits in federal court to a Multi-District Litigation in the United States District Court for the District of Arizona. The Honorable David Campbell will oversee the Powerpoint MDL. Judge Campbell has extensive experience successfully presiding over MDLs, including the Bard IVC Filter MDL.  Goldenberg Lauricella was heavily involved in that litigation. 

Goldenberg Lauricella Partner Noah Lauricella is actively involved in the PowerPort MDL as a member of the Discovery Committee and the Science and Experts Committee.

Minnesota Catheter Port Injury Lawyers

The Minneapolis Medical Device attorneys at Goldenberg Lauricella are currently investigating cases where patients suffered an injury after using a PowerPort catheter port. We have nearly 40 years of experience litigating complex medical device cases against multinational corporations such Bard. Our lawyers have the experience you need to get the result you deserve. Contact us today for a free catheter port injury lawsuit consultation. 

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