Post-concussive syndrome is the persistence of symptoms such as dizziness, headaches, and fatigue beyond the expected course of recovery for a traumatic brain injury (TBI). Developing post-concussive syndrome is not associated with the severity of the initial injury.

Post-Concussive Syndrome Symptoms

Common post-concussive syndrome symptoms include:

• Headaches• Dizziness• Fatigue• Insomnia• Blurry vision• Sensitivity to light• Tinnitus/ringing in the ears• Loss of concentration and memory

These symptoms may persist for months after the initial TBI. Many people associate loss of consciousness with a TBI and post-concussive syndrome. However, loss of consciousness is not always a post-concussive syndrome symptom, as some individuals develop the syndrome without losing consciousness.

The Cause of Post-Concussive Syndrome

While there is no single cause of post-concussive syndrome, there are some risk factors associated with developing it. Some believe individuals with a history of depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder are more likely to get post-concussive syndrome after a traumatic brain injury. Additionally, those over the age of 40 are more likely to develop post-concussive syndrome.

Post-Concussive Syndrome Prevention

While some circumstances are unavoidable, there are some precautions one can take to prevent post-concussion syndrome. In order to avoid head injuries, it is recommended to use a seat belt in vehicles and wear helmets while riding bicycles, roller skating, etc. Protecting the head from major blows may help to reduce one’s chance of getting a traumatic brain injury and resultant post-concussive syndrome.

If you or a loved one is experiencing post-concussive syndrome symptoms, it is recommended to consult a medical professional. They may request an MRI or CT scan.

Contact GoldenbergLaw

GoldenbergLaw cares about defending the innocent when an accident happens to them. We have over 30 years of experience representing injured victims of traumatic brain injuries and post-concussive syndrome. If you or a loved one has experienced or is experiencing post-concussive syndrome symptoms as a result of a motor vehicle collision, defective product, or other accident, please contact us.